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                 Soul Retrieval 


What is Soul Retrieval and why can a soul fragment?  There are many reasons why this can happen, trauma, illness, abuse (physical, mental, sexual) grief, depression, combat stress, broken heart, relationship issues, abortion, death, birth, addictions, incest, accidents, miscarriage and so on.  Our souls go into a shock response from these experiences and can spilt, or fragment, from us in order to cope with and survive the challenges of a deeply traumatic situation. When we recover from the experience, physically, the healing process can still be like the gathering together and reforming of a shattered glass. Shards may be left at the scene of an incident, part of our soul may well be left behind, stuck in the past. And so it is the job of the Shaman to seek out and recover the fragmentation on behalf of the person who has 'misplaced' their soul shard.


And so as an example, Soul loss can occur when a beloved one, child, or friend passes over and one feels "deadened" or "numbed off", becomes encased by cotton wool in order to cope. It may feel for some as if the light and joy has been stolen from their lives. For instance, after invasive surgery many people feel as if they've not quite come fully back from the process, find themselves daydreaming, zoning out and unexplainably, disconnected from life. People who have been involved in a serious accident often speak of feeling ‘spaced out’ afterwards and find themselves being drawn back to the scene, re-living the trauma and unconsciously searching, seeing themselves stuck in that time line without the knowledge of how to bring themselves out of it and home. 


If we are involved in abusive relationships and become locked into that destructive pattern, we may then feel vulnerable and powerless to move on or break free because we have fragmented in order to cope. It may also be that we have taken on energy, a ‘possession’, from that relationship, having given ourselves away, on some very deep and personal levels, and taken on the now unwanted vibrations of another.  And when leaving such a relationship, we may feel as if some part of us has been left behind with an ex partner or in an old house or with energies taken on. Other symptoms of soul loss may be Reoccurring illness, depression, anger, disassociation, fatigue, nightmares, fear, or a gap in ones memory. The soul of a child or adult may fragment in order to survive physical or sexual abuse, or to cope with not feeling Love, connection, or because of a sense of abandonment within a family circle.  


Who does soul loss or fragmentation effect? Anybody can be affected by soul damage, male, female, adults and children alike and from any religious or spiritual background. Soul loss is indiscriminate, it simply occurs as part of a complex survival mechanism built into our incredible bodies and consciousness.  Our soul plays a very different role in our life journey to that of our physical bodies. Our physical body is the vehicle in which we travel through our lives, and our soul is the light and the spiritual expression of our physical bodies on that journey, so having our soul fully intact is, as you can imagine, a great asset.  


In soul retrieval we bring you back, bring your soul home to the holistic mind and body, the self that is your true soul nature. When we are complete in body and soul we can truly heal, love, motivate, succeed, dream, grow, laugh, create, express, thrive, integrate, believe, flourish and generally live life to the full.


If we choose to empower and heal ourselves from a time line when we experienced past illness or conflict, we have to vision through the vibration of past separation and dream ourselves into a renewed form of being, a distinct and utterly present sense of ‘new self’. The past healed, empowered and drawn back into the present, but instead of the fractured damaged self coming home, an empowered, whole, shining and complete self returns. 


If we are seeking a path of knowledge and wish to grow spiritually, the path will open up for us in a more profound, present and deeper sense of integration when our soul is fully intact and alined with our visions, than when it is lost and separated in fracture. If we wish to heal ourselves from a past trauma, we have to take our power back from it, by facing it and owning our healing. We have to stand in the light of our original soul nature before and during the time of incident and step back, reclaiming who we were before the issue, thus empowering the present moment and rewardingly... The future. 


What or who is a ‘Soul retriever’? A ‘Soul Retriever’ is s shaman, one who journeys with and for you, back to a past time line to retrieve and reclaim a fragmented part of your light being, ‘Your Soul’. The Soul Retriever does this in an altered state of consciousness so as to access the parallel realities that exist around us. This vitally important healing work can be completed in different ways and no two people are the alike, so sessions may well be tailored to suit the needs of an individual client and situation and can be carried out remotely. A Shaman's world and realities  are not the same as seen by most, from a purely linear perspective. The Shaman's ability to travel spiritually to find and retrieve another's soul is dome os in a limitless manner are far as space and time are concerned. 


"I attended a soul retrieval with Chris about a year ago and to be honest went into the session unaware of what to expect and a bit skeptical. I ended up having two sessions. They were amazing.  My partner and I had been trying for a baby, but unfortunately with no success.  Chris took me through a very powerful visualization and ‘baby soul retrieval’.   My daughter was born a year later and true to our wishes she was and is a joyful spirit filled with laughter and love. I'm so grateful to Chris, he's a very special man in-deed."  
                                                                                                                                                  Kate  -  London - UK



             "Our true soul nature is such a beautiful gift to the world when we                                                                       allow ourselves to truly shine"
                                                                                                   Chris Bear
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