Chris Bear
An Introduction
The Four Sacred Fires are a representation, a mirror, of the cycles of life, the same way that each year has four seasons and the cardinal points of a Medicine Wheel are divided into four quarters, North, South, East and West, as are our lives. When we can see ourselves from each of the four directions, with clarity and heal any underlying issues from our childhood, youth, adulthood and seniority, we will have travelled the "Four Sacred Fires" successfully. However, within each fire, or cycle, the secrets to the next phase of our lives are held. And so it goes until we complete the Wheel in this lifetime. It does not matter in which cycle you presently stand, there is always work to do. By choosing to move into each new cycle with a clearer vision, a more conscious mindset, a more healed self, we establish a freer and more purposeful adventure for the future. And if we can expand that consciousness, heal where needed, grow as we need to, then life becomes a voyage of self empowerment and discovery that opens as a gift, not only to ourselves, but to our relationships and the communities around us. When we are able to walk forward, unencumbered by the past, embracing a real sense of wholeness within ourselves, the world becomes an even more beautiful place, to truly live.
Throughout his childhood, Chris felt a deep connection to nature and tribal culture:
“Initiations onto my life path began at an early age. As a boy, wild birds fascinated me; they offered me a beautiful distraction from abuse issues at home. I began collecting feathers, a tradition practiced by many native cultures. As a young child, I had vivid, reoccurring dreams of a group of native elders who would ask me many questions about who I was, why I was here and if I remembered? As a child I was clueless as to what the dreams were about, but now as an adult, that make total sense. The suffering I endured throughout my childhood, and early adult life, was in it’s own way a very real ‘rites of passage’, an initiation necessary amongst many of the world’s tribes people to prepare youngsters for adulthood. All of this experience played a vital part in creating, or carving me into the man I am today.”
Chris' love of nature and early childhood calling from “Spirit” kept returning to him, he felt that there was still much to discover about himself. It was at this time that he was drawn back towards his fascination, or rather, connection, to tribal culture. A new path opened up to him with the aboriginal people of the northern territories of Arnhem Land, Australia, and particularly their ancient instrument, the Didgeridoo. Chris traveled throughout Australia and eventually found his aboriginal teacher, Blanasi, an elder “law giver” of his community. Chris is now one of a handful of westerners to have truly mastered the instrument and uses it ceremonially, when necessary, to support people healing.
Chris was invited to the United Nations Indigenous Peoples' working group as an NGO, (Non-Government Official) where he connected, hosted for, and worked with tribal leaders from all over the world. He was invited to take part in both speaking engagements and ceremonial practices. Chris is now an adopted brother of Australian Aboriginal people, the Maasai people of Kenya and Oglala, Lakota people of Pine Ridge SD. Interestingly, many years ago, while working alongside Kevin Costner, in the movie “Robin Hood - Prince of Thieves”, Chris was invited by Costner to the world premiere of his then, latest movie, “Dances with Wolves.” The story of a westerner adopted by the First American People of the Lakota Nation, quite the parallel to Chris' real life story.
Chris has spoken internationally as an inspirational speaker, as a performer and life coach. He has worked alongside some of the world’s top names in personal development from Bob Proctor (presenter of the movie ‘The Secret’ and NY times bestselling author), as well as, Mark Victor Hanson and Jack Canfield (bestselling authors of the highly successful ‘Chicken Soup for the Soul’ series of books), with presidential advisor, Doug Wead, and keynote speaker, Dr Richard Bandler, creator of NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming, of which Chris is a master practitioner).
Because of the depth of his life experience and knowledge, Chris has become a life coach and guide to hundreds of people seeking healing or transformation in their own lives, he says, "For most of us, there comes a time in our lives when we need independent mentoring and guidance, in some form or another. Transformation and change only come about if we actively set to in creating those changes into a reality. I feel deeply privileged to have played a part in helping others to create their dreams alive and to heal where they feel they've needed to."
Chris retains a deep empathy for the needs of others, which is of great importance to him today. Anyone who has met him will agree, he is one of the "true Magic Makers of the world" and has inspired thousands of people to transform their lives and he is deeply committed to dedicating the rest of his life to assisting many more to do the same.
Chris has created music therapy programs for young people faced with mental and physical challenges, hosted spiritual retreats with the “Youth at Risk”, program for young people and adults in the USA and is an inspiration to survivors of abuse from all walks of life. One of Chris's passions is seeing that the rights of children from all backgrounds are upheld by those in society who have the capability to do so. Chris's life has taken him through some of the most challenging experiences that one can endure, however, by healing and empowering his life, he has created the "Four Sacred Fires" path of teachings and from that inspires people to lead the lives they truly seek and wish for.
"On a one-to-one basis Chris is able to listen, guide and develop powerful concepts for self-awareness. He has helped many hundreds of people to a better understanding of themselves, to come to terms with their own traumas, heal and to stimulate their personal development."
Professor Nick Clements - Author and Film Maker,
“You are the power to your own healing, manifestations, magic and abundance. When you fully embrace the truth of this statement, the world will change for you in an equally powerful way”
Chris Bear