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                                                The Four                            
                   Sacred Fires
  Pathways to Healing and Self Discovery 

For over 25 years Chris Bear has walked the path of a healer, teacher and ceremonialist, working with hundreds of people, from all walks of life.  His journey has taken him to the deepest levels of  Shamanic contemplation, practice and personal transformation.


"Many people in today's culture struggle to cope with their past, and also their present, which undoubtably has to affect their future. By stepping into, or reclaiming, our personal power, owning our healing potential and
awareness, we can create a new, conscious reality that truly fulfils us.  In so doing, we open the gateway to a future that's fertile and promising, not just for us, but for generations to come."   


The Invitation: Chris offers a grounded sense of presence and perspective, as well as a powerful connection to self and to the Creator.  This, combined with the depth of his tribal knowledge and life experience, creates an environment that fully supports personal growth and healing potential. Chris sees that by choosing to empower or heal our lives, we can cultivate the soul for what true personal development represents, the awakened consciousness.


We now live in a modern, global village, consultations and healings with Chris are usually carried out via Skype, FaceTime or Phone. However, where possible, one to one and group sessions can also be arranged.


An offering: If you feel that you're looking for guidance, healing, ceremonial advice, personal development support, Mentorship, Rites of Passage, or simply just wish to connect, then please email Chris via the contact page on this site. 


      "Our personal healing and conscious development are the greatest gifts                                                             we can offer the world."

                                                                                     Chris Bear





Chris, or simply 'Bear' to his friends and I am proud to call him my friend, totally shifted my mind and changed my life: that may well seem exaggerated and if you tried to tell me he could do that prior to meeting him, I would have seriously doubted you… but he did, and he did it to me.  I have been conducting conferences on personal development and speaking at conventions all over the world for forty years, and I have never been more impressed by a person… He is truly one of a kind. If ever you have the opportunity to experience “Bear” and his teachings walk if you have to, but get there. Then like me, ten years later, you will still be talking about him.  


           Bob Proctor.  NYT Best selling Author. And from the movie "The Secret" 



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